Friday, March 20, 2009

Flying with Jesus...

So Nyiko painted this picture last night...pretty much his best one yet, I think. It is him flying with Jesus.

I made a pretty big deal over it, especially since it was a theological far cry from him asking if Jesus was our cat Pickles (asked yesterday - claimed Brian said so) or if Jesus is in his pants (asked a few weeks ago, when I told him Jesus was everywhere). Last night when he asked me if Jesus could fly, I told him sure, Jesus can do whatever he wants to do. He thought about that for a minute, then got right to work on it.

Then he drew Jesus' house:
He told me the angels really like it at Jesus' house, and that they like to fly over there and hang out.

I guess it's these moments that make up for the many times that the kids are a pain in the neck...


  1. I love this picture - I want to fly with Jesus too! That would be really cool :)

  2. wow.. love the pictures.. and your heart.. maryna
